Founded in 1915 in the United States, Belgium JCI Junior Chamber was the first to settle
in Europe in 1947.
JCI has nearly 170,000 members worldwide and 1400 in Belgium, all aged between 18 and 40.
JCI is an envy where young entrepreneurs (34 years on average) can meet,
learn and grow by engaging, conducting innovative and
creative projects as well as through training.
Our members
JCI Belgium has 1125 members in 63 local JCI chapters.
The members are from all races, colors, religions
or political ideas who wants to become better leaders.
Geographic distribution: 30% French and germanophone
70% in Flanders.
Gender: 38% women and 62% men
Average age: 34 years
Education : University : 45.1%
Higher Education 46.6%
Occupation: 54% Middle and Senior Management
34% Framework and independent
10% Professionals