It’s a bright new year for hundreds of thousands of people in Africa as the JCI Nothing But Nets fundraising total reaches one million dollars.

Thanks to all the JCI members who have worked since 2008 raising awareness and fundraising for nets, the JCI Nothing But Nets campaign has reached more than 90 countries around the world. And thanks to the hard work of young active citizens in over 5,000 communities, JCI has raised $ 1 million, a milestone on the road to ending malaria deaths through the purchase and distribution of insecticide-treated nets. 


Along with this milestone, Chris Helfrich, Director of the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Netscampaign, announced last week that now, a child dies every 60 seconds from malaria. In 2008 when the campaign began, a child died every 30 seconds. 


Global Goal, Global Impact

This milestone shows the large impact JCI members can create with the simple purchase of just one mosquito net. From National Organizations participating in Countdown to Congress to individuals requesting the gift of nets to save lives on their birthday, the fundraising has taken all different forms over the years. Each campaign, whether big or small, has created a global impact, changing the lives of African children and their families forever. The partnership between JCI and the UN Foundation has strengthened the campaign and allowed JCI members to give back on a global scale. 


Malaria is treatable and preventable. With our network of nearly 200,000 young active citizens as well as our partners on the ground working on education and net distribution, we have the ability to put up a great fight against this disease. 


Yet, we cannot stop at $1 million. There are more lives to be saved. Take this opportunity to be proud of the work you have done and take your fundraising to a new level. 


Keep Up the Fight

2012 brings a new year and exciting new ways for JCI members to keep giving back. There is an outstanding prize in store for the individuals who raise the most funds for the purchase and distribution of nets in 2012, as we move toward our 2012 goal of USD $500,000. For our dedicated participation and partnership with the UN Foundation Nothing But Nets campaign, top fundraisers will have the opportunity to accompany the UN Foundation and other partners on a mosquito net distribution trip in 2013. These members will have the chance to experience hands-on how the money that they raised is saving lives in Africa. Start your 2012 fundraising now to get a strong start toward this life-changing experience. 


UN Approves New General Consultative Status for JCI

We are pleased to inform you that on July 25, 2011, the Economic and Social Council voted to approve the Committee's recommendation for reclassification of consultative status of JCI with ECOSOC from Special to General, which is the highest status for an NGO within the UN system.


JCI has been working toward this for several years now. Not long ago, we were about to be expelled from the UN system, and now we are quite happy to receive this great news from the NGO Branch at the UN.

The United Nations has granted JCI with General status with ECOSOC. 


Since 1954, JCI has been in "Special" consultative status. Through this upgrade to "General” status, JCI joins an elite group of fewer than 150 large, established NGOs that hold General status with ECOSOC. JCI and the United Nations have had a longstanding, positive relationship sharing similar goals and working toward better communities and a better world. 


ECOSOC allows non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like JCI to have a role in formal UN deliberations. When our partnership with the UN began, JCI received Special consultative status after being recommended by the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs. 


There are 3 levels of consultative status, Roster, Special and General. Roster consultative status includes NGOs that tend to have a rather narrow or technical focus and can make smaller, occasional contributions to the work of ECOSOC. 

Special consultative status, JCI’s previous status, is granted to NGOs that have a special competence in and are concerned specifically with only a few of the initiatives and activities covered by ECOSOC. 


After an application and recommendation process through the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs, JCI was granted a change of status. JCI’s new General consultative status is reserved for large international NGOs whose area of work covers most of the issues on the agenda of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies. 


Emboldened by this achievement, we are motivated to work even harder to meet the expectations of our partner, the United Nations.


We are happy and proud to share such news with you. As we all know, such an achievement would not be possible without your support in the process to make this world a better place, and more important, the commitment of every member of our organization in fulfilling our mission by creating positive change and impacting every community where JCI is present around the world.


Congratulations to you all and thank you very much for everything you do for JCI. 


Let's go impact the world.



Report of the 2011 JCI Global Partnership Summit
Report of the 2011 JCI Global Partnershi
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